By Kathryn Dodson
I caught up with one of Regain Hearing’s Audiologists and Company Director, Lee Fletcher, in order to get some answers about hearing loss and the connection with dementia. Here’s what he told me:
“Dementia can be a frightening diagnosis to receive and certainly more serious than a problem with ear wax. Yet worryingly, we know that ear wax causes hearing loss and outwardly the symptoms are similar to dementia which can lead to anxiety for the patient and their family.

“I have personally known of a number of cases where individuals have been diagnosed with dementia and after subsequent investigation, at a later stage, it has been revealed that what they actually have is untreated hearing loss, sometimes this can be as simple as having a build up of ear wax which may have gone undetected for some considerable time.
“It’s quite something when you witness someone who arrives with a family member or carer and seems withdrawn and unable to follow the conversation suddenly, after having received successful treatment, begin to blossom and join in conversation. Sometimes, as with ear wax removal, this can be quite an instant difference, whilst on other occasions, where we have been able to fit hearing aids to address a hearing loss, we notice a more gradual improvement as we monitor their progress with regular follow ups.”
I asked Lee if he felt enough is being done to make people aware of the risks that untreated hearing loss poses to our health.
“It has been our experience that the majority of people are quite unaware of the associated health risks. There simply hasn’t been the same focus on hearing loss and efforts to educate the public as there has been in other areas of health.”
I asked Lee how he felt about the future and whether he believes that hearing health will be taken more seriously.
“I do feel more needs to be done,” he said. “However, over the last few years, hearing aids have improved significantly and we can now achieve results we couldn’t have hoped for previously and there are more exciting developments on the horizon. The audiology industry now understands the importance of providing education for the general public. In our audiology practices, all our staff are trained to understand hearing loss and its implications in order that they are informed and can pass their knowledge on. We run regular events and produce material aimed at helping people understand hearing loss, its implications and the choices now available to them so they can make better, more informed decisions. I really believe that through education and the vast improvements in hearing technology, we will be in a position to assist many more people regain and protect their ear health.”
For further information on all things hearing related you can contact Regain Hearing on their practice numbers below:
ELTHAM: 201 Eltham High Street, London SE9 1TS; 020 8859 6630
BROADSTAIRS: 78 High Street, Broasdstairs, Kinet CT10 1JT; 01843 210581